Saturday, January 12, 2013

The State Reviewing the State

How does QSAC continually approve Paterson's P.E. and Health curriculum when it could never be deemed of quality?  The curriculum forces teachers to focus on theory rather than getting the students moving.  In a district where the kids already don't have the opportunities like other kids to move, they are forced to learn rules and history of sports.  

According to the New Jersey State Department of Education website QSAC can be described as,

"The Quality Single Accountability Continuum (QSAC) is the Department of Education’s monitoring and evaluation system for public school districts. The system shifts the monitoring and evaluation focus from compliance to assistance, capacity-building and improvement. It is a single comprehensive accountability system that consolidates and incorporates the monitoring requirements of applicable state laws and programs and complements federally required improvements. The system focuses on monitoring and evaluating school districts in five key components that, based on research, have been identified to be key factors in effective school districts."

How does this angency fail to monitor a curriculum in a district that it controls. As a matter of fact one could go on the NJDOE website and find a model curriculum for P.E. and Health and see that Paterson's looks nothing like it.  It is actually quite opposite because it fails to provide any type of building block theme to it.  Why are they not enforcing model curriculums in their own districts?

Is this happening because the state just does not want to admit to it's shortcomings or is it that they put no value on P.E. and Health and are not really monitoring it like they say they are?